Mandy Collins Coaching

What is coaching?

Many people aren’t entirely sure what life coaching is, or why they should need a coach to get through life.

Well, the truth is that sometimes you have issues that don’t really require a psychologist, and your family and friends can’t always help you or support you the way you need them to – however well-meaning they might be.

Because life coaching isn’t just about offering support and a safe place for you to talk about what’s bugging you. Yes, it is both of those things, but it’s so much more. It’s a proactive system of helping you to achieve your goals, overcome challenges you’re grappling with, and create positive changes in your life.

It’s like having a great sports coach – they don’t go on the field with you to play the match, but they do train you to have the right kind of fitness for that sport. They help you to develop strategies and tactics. They point out where you need to develop certain areas. But ultimately – you are the one who takes all of that coaching onto the field and plays the match.

Life coaching is no different. My role as your life coach is not to give advice or tell you how you should live your life. My role is to help you to train your mind and your habits to support your goals. It’s to help you develop strategies and tactics to get where you want to go. It’s to help you examine any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. But ultimately – you are the one who has to live your life and do so in a way that works for you.

A life coach is just there to walk alongside you and help you to course correct from time to time. And because they are not family or friend or even colleague, they can give you a slightly different, less biased perspective, and help you to see the big picture.