Mandy Collins Coaching

About me

Most people think of me as a writer, because I’ve been one for close on three decades, and I trained as a journalist. But over the years, I’ve realised that journalism is a great training ground for life coaching , because it teaches you to ask good questions – and a good question almost always helps someone who’s having coaching to find the answers they need.

I came to coaching because I found that my interest in people’s stories and my ability to ask incisive questions meant that often people felt comfortable telling me all kinds of things. More questions would follow and before I knew it, they had had some insight or made some decision, and I had coached them without really meaning to. And so I decided some training was in order.

Why did I choose to undergo Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training? Well, I’ve been a fan of her approach to life – and to coaching – since I first encountered her on the Oprah show many, many years ago. And then at a time in my life when I was stuck, burnt out and fairly broken, I went to see a Martha Beck coach, who helped me immeasurably. My entire life changed, and did so for the better.

Was it easy? Not in the least. Was it worth it? Completely. But most importantly, I experienced just how powerful Martha’s tools and methods are, and I wanted to be able to share them with others.

And so here I am, waiting to hear your story so that you can start to take steps in the direction you really want your life to be going in – whatever that might mean for you.

In the media

Why self-care can overcome procrastination – Business Day – 29 January 2024read for free